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A New Tool for Weatherization


As one of the oldest states in the nation, New Jersey possesses some of the oldest housing stock. This requires a higher level of diligence and maintenance to ensure that our homes are as safe and healthy as possible. Proper weatherization of a home is one of the most important measures against poor health, rising utility costs and more.

Weatherization involves preparing a home for exposure to the elements: wind, precipitation, and sunlight. The process of weatherizing a home can require everything from installing proper and sufficient insulation, to sealing off gaps and spaces that allow heat to escape, and everything in between. The U.S. Department of Energy advocates for whole-house weatherization, a process that begins with an energy audit and can result in replacing energy inefficient appliances like refrigerators or water heaters, updating HVAC systems to include digital thermostats, and installing efficient light sources.

A variety of programs and resources related to weatherization are available for New Jersey residents. These programs are compiled into a statewide toolkit which can be accessed here.



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Housing Help NJ is a program funded through grants from New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund and the NJ Dept. of Community Affairs - Affordable Housing Trust Fund,

and is Administered Through the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey

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Housing Help NJ

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